Flourishing Life: Finances (Part 2)

As we shift our focus onto our second core value, Community, we're asking God to help our Summit family flourish in some of the most practical areas of life. Over the next 8 weeks, we'll be looking at what it practically looks like to pursue health in our financesfamilyrest, and relationships.


We're continuing our exploration of how the gospel practically shapes how we view and handle our finances in the Flourishing Life series. The resources below dive into what the Bible says about money and how we should manage our money as a result. And if you're looking for some hands-on financial help and training, don't miss the last offering of our Financial Flourishing seminar on June 23rd!

Financial Scarcity + Gospel Joy = Riches | Tim Keller

4 Money Principles for Millennials | Ron Blue, Michael Blue

You Own Nothing | Kyle Worley

Redeeming Money | Paul Tripp (A newly released book about money and the heart) 


Flourishing Life: Rest (Part 1)


Flourishing Life: Finances (Part 1)