Flourishing Life: Rest (Part 2)

As we shift our focus onto our second core value, Community, we're asking God to help our Summit family flourish in some of the most practical areas of life. Over the next 8 weeks, we'll be looking at what it practically looks like to pursue health in our financesfamilyrest, and relationships.


We're continuing our exploration of Gospel-shaped rest this week. Not only why rest matters for our overall health and flourishing, but how to take practical steps toward cultivating healthy rhythms of rest in your own life. Check out the resources below to learn more!

One of the ways the practice and prioritize rest as a community is by having an annual Day of Rest. On Sunday, July 8th we'll rest from our normal rhythms of gathering and enjoy an afternoon together at Curtis Park. There will be no gatherings that Sunday, so please mark your calendars and make plans to join us at noon at Curtis Park!

God Rested on the Seventh Day | Jon Bloom

4 Steps to a Meaningful Sabbath | Emotionally Healthy Spirituality

The Sabbath as a Sermon for the Ambitious | Jordan Raynor

Practicing Rest and Solitude & Sabbath Rest | Jeff Vanderstelt


Flourishing Life: Family (part 1)


Flourishing Life: Rest (Part 1)